Local SEO


Local SEO Audit

One of our most popular local SEO services Our local SEO audits provide an in-depth examination of your local presence. If you have a significant variety of physical locations in diverse cities, things can become messy, so an in-depth regional SEO audit is our ideal base.

In the course of an audit, our team will review the current status of local marketing of your business’s locations and make suggestions to improve the areas where improvement is needed.

In order to achieve this, we’ll look at your top search results such as Google My Business, Bing Places and Apple Maps, the current on-site optimization of local pages on your website along with the other listings for local businesses or any citations you might already have.

When our auditing is completed After our auditing is complete, we’ll give you an auditing report as well as an outline of the next steps that must be taken to make maximum use of your local web results.


How Your Website Is Performing?

Reasons Why Local SEO Services Can Help You Attract New Customers

Google My Business will be the basis of your company’s account on Google and the foundations for every local campaign begins with a clear plan to manage you Google My Business accounts.

If you’re running several local businesses and require assistance with local searches or perhaps you’re just starting a new company and haven’t found Google My Business yet, we’re here for you.

We can help you get your profile up and running and then make sure you are listed in you Google Maps listings and ensure you’re optimized for the goods or services you offer, and in the correct places.

Website Localization

Digilavida provides website localization services to help businesses expand their reach and attract more customers. We specialize in creating multilingual websites and optimizing them for local search engines.

Citation Building

Digilavida offers citation building services to help businesses increase their online visibility. We specialize in creating high-quality citations from reputable sources to help boost your organic rankings.

Managing Ratings

Digilavida provides rating management services to help businesses monitor and improve their online reputation. We use the latest tools and techniques to monitor customer reviews and feedback and provide advice on how to improve your ratings.

Getting Quality Backlinks

Digilavida offers backlink building services to help businesses increase their organic visibility. We specialize in creating high-quality links from reputable sources to help boost your website's rankings.

Do You Want More SEO Traffic?

Our team of experts can optimize your website for search engine.

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Local Citation Management

Local citations include mentions of your company’s NAP (name address, address and telephone number) on the internet. the inclusion of this information on other websites could serve as a vote in favor of your local listings, sending positive signals of trust to search engines such as Google.

In the case of search engine optimization for local businesses, it’s crucial to ensure you have your NAP is identical across the web to prevent confusion between the users as well as search engine.

In our Local citation Management service We can analyze and improve your local citations in the most prominent local directories, such as Yelp, Yell & Foursquare for you to ensure that your business information is correct and in line to the best practices for search engines.

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